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Saara Ekström: Through the still eye of the timestorm at Kunsthalle Helsinki


miðvikudagur, 31. maí 2023

Saara Ekström: Through the still eye of the timestorm at Kunsthalle Helsinki

Saara Ekström’s works approach the essence of time – its nourishing and eroding influence on memory, landscape, objects and architecture.

In the earth’s deep abysses and high altitudes unfold archaic worlds which enchant and confuse us, allowing us to encounter the fragility and temporality of our existence; erupting volcanoes, primeval forests compressed into coal, petrified fossils and caves where early humans left their marks.

In her works, Saara Ekström traces the connections between geological events, evolution, corporeality, and the subconscious. The installations and experimental films navigate towards the edges of the great mystery of time – a cycle of birth, death, and constant change.

The exhibition includes several new works, such as a three-channel projection shot on film, sculptures, photographs and texts.

Saara Ekström (b. 1965) has exhibited in Finland and internationally since the 1990s, and has been recognised for her work with the Audiovisual Centre AVEK’s media art prize and the nominations for Ars Fennica and Carnegie Art Awards, among others. The exhibition is supported by Kone Foundation, the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation (Southwest Finland regional foundation), AVEK Audiovisual Centre, Konstsamfundet and Helena Bruun Fund.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland

Skrifstofan er opin virka daga frá kl 12 -16

Sími/ Tel.: +354 551 1346

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