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Otilia Martin - When the brain killed the heart, it said: “It hurts me more than it
hurts you"

fimmtudagur, 20. júní 2024
Otilia Martin - When the brain killed the heart, it said: “It hurts me more than it
hurts you"
When the brain killed the heart, it said: “It hurts me more than it hurts you” is Otilia Martin’s solo exhibition in Nullið Gallery. Opening June 27th, 17.00-19.00 at Núlllið Gallery, Bankastræti 0, 101 Reykjavik.
In this exhibition, Otilia Martin creates a metaphorical space within the physical space to portray emotions through objects and images. Otilia Martin’s art practise evolves around the unconscious world and its symbolic language to portray moods, emotions and situations through visual metaphors.
The exhibition is open June 28th to 30th from 17.00-20.00h
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