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Meistaraspjall með Mörtu Andreu í BíóParadís


miðvikudagur, 13. september 2023

Meistaraspjall með Mörtu Andreu í BíóParadís

Föstudaginn 15. september kl. 10:00-13:00 verður haldið meistaraspjall með Mörtu Andreu, ráðgjafa og kvikmyndaframleiðenda í Bíó Paradís, en hún hefur verið ráðgjafi á vinnusmiðju í Hafnar.Haus sem er á vegum SKL.

Meistaraspjallið er opið öllum og ókeypis og er á Skjaldborgardögunum í í BíoParadís. Hér er hlekkur á viðbuðrinn í Bíó Paradís:

Masterclassinn ber yfirskriftina “The Wound We are in” en þar mun Marta fjalla um umbreytingar, landslag og tilfinningar í þróun skapandi heimildamynda, eða í hennar eigin orðum:

The Wound We Are In:

Something that breaks
That fades away

That ends.

Something that is breaking

A breach
A sore that opens
A cut, a fissure.

If the world is wounded
Shouldn't we find or fabricate wounded images?
Or find a way of wounding the images we already have in order to be able
to offer a fair construction of (our) world?

What does it mean and imply today
to look at the other,
to look at the landscape,
to look at oneself,
or remembering by looking...
when the other, the landscape, the memory and even the self that looks at them
are wounded?

Leonard Cohen sang it: "There's a crack in everything"

And he continued
... "That's how the light gets in".

In our encounter, I would like to share some images and poems and music and ideas… to invite us to think about cinema as a way to face a single word, transformation, in a moment in time where this word seems inseparable from all kinds of wounds and cracks we are in.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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