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Listasafn Reykjavíkur: Talk series | Umræðuþræðir - Shu Lea Cheang


fimmtudagur, 28. apríl 2022

Listasafn Reykjavíkur: Talk series | Umræðuþræðir - Shu Lea Cheang

The talk will be held in English. Free entrance
Registration HERE:

Shu Lea Cheang is an artist and filmmaker working with various art mediums and film formats, including installation, performance, net art, public art, video installation, feature-length film and mobile web serial. As a net art pioneer, her project BRANDON (1998-1999) was the first web art commissioned and collected by the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

She drafts sci-fi narratives in her film scenario and artwork imagination, crafting her own “science” fiction genre of new queer cinema, terming them eco-cybernoia (FRESH KILL, 1994), sci-fi cyberpunk (I.K.U., 2000), sci-fi cypherpunk (Fluidø, 2017).

From homesteading cyberspace in the 90s to her current retreat to post net-crash BioNet zone, Cheang takes on viral love, bio hack in her current cycle of works. Shu Lea Cheang represented the Taiwanese Pavilion with a solo exhibition titled 3x3x6 at Venice Biennale in 2019. Visit is supported by the American Embassy in Iceland.

Lecture: VARIANT V.0
from BRANDON to 3x3x6, from I.K.U. to UKI
You and I don't live in the same viral reality. We negotiate the state or self-imposed confinement, digital/corporal sexuality and sanitary surveillance on a daily basis. With no Post-Pandemic in sight, we are part of a [science] fiction playing out with bio-informatics, bio-engineering and mobile digital media. We have forsaken the protheses of cyborg-bodies and made kins with microbes. Catching up with variants B.1.617.2. B.2.2.7, B.1.371, P1, B.1.724, B.1.429, I return to VARIANT V.0 to recoup myself. This talk focuses on 4 works - BRANDON (1998-1999), 3x3x6 (2019), I.K.U. (2000), UKI (2023). As ever-mutating variants, these works are brewed years apart and threaded by my desire in gender hacking genre bending.

TALK Series is a visitors program initiated by the Reykjavík Art Museum, the Icelandic Art Center and the Iceland University of the Arts.
Since 2012, a selection of highly regarded international artists, curators and critics have participated. Guests include Heike Munder, Miwon Kwon, Claire Bishop, Nicolaus Schafhausen, Mary Jane Jacob and Dieter Daniels, Douglas Gordon and more.

The program brings the flourishing ideas and diverse practices within the international contemporary art scene to the Icelandic art community and the public at large. Each guests is asked to offer an insight into the field through a public lecture at the Reykjavík Art Museum, studio visits and a seminar lecture at the Department of Fine Art as well as an introduction to the Icelandic art scene through visits to practicing artists studios and the gallery and museum scene. The overall aim of the program is to support a stronger link between local aspects and broader perspectives of contemporary art. By joining the resources of three major local art institutions the wish is to convey current topics of art to both younger and established artists, art students and the general public alike.

Umræðuþræðir: Shu Lea Cheang
Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn á ensku. Frítt inn á Fimmtudaginn langa.
Skráning HÉR:

Shu Lea Cheang er taívansk- amerkískur listamaður sem búsett er í París. Hún notast við fjölbreytta miðla og þá sérstakleg nýmiðla, net og kvikmyndagerð auk innsetninga, gjörninga og fleira. Hún er frumkvöðull í netlist og var verkefni hennar BRANDON (1998-1999) fyrsta netverkið sem Guggenheim safnið í New York pantaði og bætti í safneign sína. Verk hennar eða sögur sem þar koma fram eru innblásin af vísindaskáldskap en Cheang hefur um árabil mótað sinn eigin stíl og höfundareinkenni undir hatti hinsegin kvikmyndagerðar ( queer cinema) með fjölbreyttum kvikmynda, vídeó- og/eða netverkum sínum.

Shu Lea Cheang var fulltrúi Taívanska skálans með sýningarverkefninu Taiwanese 3x3x6 á Feneyjartvíæringnum árið 2019. Bandaríska sendiráðið á Íslandi styrkir heimsókn Shu Lea Cheang.
Umræðuþræðir er samstarfsverkefni Listasafns Reykjavíkur, Listaháskóla Íslands, og Kynningarmiðstöðvar íslenskrar myndlistar.

Allt frá árinu 2012 hefur listamönnum, fræðimönnum og sýningastjórum sem njóta viðurkenningar í hinum alþjóðlega listheimi verið boðið hingað til lands á vegum verkefnisins. Meðal gesta má nefna Heike Munder, Miwon Kwon, Claire Bishop, Nicolaus Schafhausen , Mary Jane Jacob and Dieter Daniels, Douglas Gordon og fleiri.

Lagt hefur verið upp með að skapa vettvang hérlendis fyrir alþjóðleg tengsl og umræður; gestirnir kynnast íslensku listalífi, stunda gestakennslu um leið og þau kynna eigin verk og hugðarefni með opnum fyrirlestrum í Listasafni Reykjavíkur.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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