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Künstlerhaus Lukas: YOUNG ART FROM NORTHERN EUROPE - Claire Paugam and more


miðvikudagur, 6. apríl 2022

Künstlerhaus Lukas: YOUNG ART FROM NORTHERN EUROPE - Claire Paugam and more

The exhibition series YOUNG ART FROM NORTHERN EUROPE promotes young artists every year, their artworks are exhibited at the Neue Kunsthaus of Ahrenshoop, Germany. The 2022 edition is named "Encounters" and presents works by Claire Paugam (lives in Reykjavik), Johanna Herrmann (lives in Greifswald) and Claire Granereau (lives in Bremen) - three artists who move on different terrains of art and design. In the jointly conceived exhibition, printmaking, book design, installation and photography come together. The individual tendencies of artistic exploration create unexpected intersections and raise important questions: our relationship to our environment, our habits of seeing and our expectations about art.
The exhibition opened on the 28/04 and will end the 06/06/2022, we are three exhibiting artist, Johanna Herrmann, Claire Granereau and I. As there aren't any photos on the website (apart from an artwork of mine on the home page), I attached two photos of the exhibition.

YOUNG ART FROM NORTHERN EUROPE - "Encounters" was curated by Olivia Franke. The project is a collaboration between Neue Kunsthaus and Künstlerhaus Lukas with the Caspar Friedrich Institute of the University of Greifswald, the Faculty of Design of the University of Wismar as well as the NES Artist Residency of Skagatsrönd, Iceland.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


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