Gallerí Úthverfa: Ambergris Corral - Lucia Arbery Simek

fimmtudagur, 30. júní 2022
Gallerí Úthverfa: Ambergris Corral - Lucia Arbery Simek
Lucia Arbery Simek:
Ambergris Corral
2.7 – 15.7 2022
Laugardaginn 2. júlí n.k. kl. 16 verður opnun sýning á verkum Kucia Arbery Simek í Úthverfu á Ísafirði. Sýningin ber heitið ,,Ambergris Corral‘‘ og stendur til föstudagsins 15. júlí. Listakonan verður viðstödd opnun sýningarinnar og boðið verður uppá léttar veitingar.
Á sýningunni Ambergris Corral, heldur Lucia Arbery Simek áfram pælingum sínum um leiðangursvinnu – hvalaleiðangra, kúarekstur, könnunarleiðangra um norðurslóðir – í röð skúlptúra sem líkjast verkfærum og tólum sem tilheyra þessum ólíku greinum. Hlutirnir eru búnir til úr hinu og þessu sem finna má bæði á heimili og verkstæði. Ýmist tilviljunarkendir og brothættir eða nostursamlega unnir gefa þeir til kynna einhvers konar trúarlegan tilgang fyrir ónefndan ævintýramann.
In her solo exhibition Ambergris Corral, Lucia Arbery Simek continues an abiding interest in expeditionary labor—whaling, cowboying, arctic exploration—in a series of sculptures that resemble tools or weaponry from those various trades. Made from domestic and industrial bric-a-brac, the objects—either precariously contingent or highly finished—carry totemic qualities that suggest some ritualistic purpose for an unnamed adventurer.
Lucia Arbery Simek is an artist, writer and curator. She has exhibited her artwork widely, including the Dallas Contemporary; Dallas Museum of Art; Fridman Gallery, NY; Cindy Rucker Gallery, NY; and Skaftfell Center for Art in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland. As a curator, she has mounted exhibitions at the Dallas Museum of Art and The Reading Room, Dallas among others, and most recently curated a permanent collection of works for the historic Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas, where she also organizes a series of public talks with artists and writers. Since 2014, Simek has served as Head of Communications and International Programs at the Nasher Sculpture Center where, among other things, she organizes the Nasher Prize Dialogues, a series of discussions with artists about contemporary sculptural practice held in partnership with institutions around the world, from Museo Jumex, Mexico City to the Reykjavik Museum of Art.