Íslensk Grafík: Námskeið í Botanical Contact - printing
þriðjudagur, 3. maí 2022
Íslensk Grafík: Námskeið í Botanical Contact - printing
2-day Workshop in Botanical Contact-printing
June 11-12
Cathrine Finsrud and Hildur Bjørnsdottir are offering a 2 day workshop in botanical contact-printing and how to take your prints a step further.
40 000 ISK, materials included. Registration is valid upon payment to Hildur’s bank account at
Landsbankinn: 0137-15-381233. Kennitala: 111060-2669. There will be a info letter to those of you who register, with the recipes and suggestions for what you can bring to the workshop.
See more info below, or Contact Cathrine cathi@cathi.no or Hildur hildurbjorn@gmail.com for questions!
Íslensk Grafík
Icelandic Printmakers Association
Tryggvagata 17, hafnarmegin/harbour side
101 Reykjavik
Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday 2-5 pm
Free entrance