fim., 22. feb.

Dagsetning & tími
22. feb. 2024, 19:00 – 25. feb. 2024, 23:00
Reykjavík, Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland
Um viðburðinn
(English below)
Verið hjartanlega velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar "Frosti" í SÍM salnum Hafnarstræti 16, fimmtudaginn 22. febrúar frá 17:00-19:00.
Sýningin samanstendur af nýjum og nýlegum verkum þriggja myndlistarmanna sem dvelja hér á landi í residensíu á vegum Slovak Union of Visual Artists, SVU og SÍM.
Opnunartímar Föstudag 23. febrúar kl 12:00-16:00 Laugardag 24. febrúar 13:00-17:00 Sunnudag 25. febrúar 13:00-17:00
SÍM welcomes you to the opening of the exhibition “Frosti” presenting works by three Slovak artists, Diana Čižmárová, Martina Šottová, and Stanislav Bubán, Thursday 22 February from 17:00-19:00 at SÍM Gallery, Hafnarstræti 16.
The artists will present new and recent works, some of which have been created during their stay in Iceland as part of a residency exchange program with The Slovak Union of Visual Artists, SVU. The title “Frosti” refers to the series of graphics by Diana Čižmárová, but all the artists are working directly or indirectly from the Icelandic environment and landscape.
Opening hours Friday 23 February 12:00-16:00 Saturday 24 February 13:00-17:00 Sunday 25 February 13:00-17:00
Diana Čižmárová’s thematic focus is mainly landscape and ecological topics. The artist tries to capture the extreme transformations of the Icelandic landscape and its diversity, which are shaped mainly by the strong elements of fire and water. She uses an alternative graphic technique that imitates the beauty and delicacy of the landscape, while simultaneously revealing its complexity and crudeness.
Martina Šottová connects history with modern pieces that reveal fascinating structures and new expressive forms. She strives to bridge the gap between artists and the world through multimedia, capturing the essence of the environment and landscape, as well as reflecting her personal perceptions and emotions through the visual medium of video. She combines documentary style with artistic expression to allow viewers to get closer to the authenticity and originality of her own experiences.
Since 2018, Stanislav Bubán has been painting intensively in plein air. With his practice, the artist aims to transform the decadent genre of landscape painting, as it has been regarded in modern art history, into an exciting adventure of discovering new worlds. As in one of his past exhibitions of this type of landscape painting, titled “Close your eyes, pedestrian!” Stanislav plans to "close his eyes" and paint the Icelandic landscape in its visual and spiritual power.
This program is supported by The Slovak Union of Visual Artists, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway Grants, the Slovak State and The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, SÍM, and SÍM Residency.