Chili Seitz: bits of land and sea
sun., 07. júl.

Dagsetning & tími
07. júl. 2024, 19:00 – 21. júl. 2024, 23:00
Reykjavík, Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland
Um viðburðinn
(English below)
Sýningaropnun sunnudaginn 7. Júlí kl 14:00 í SÍM Gallery, Hafnarstræti 16. Sýningin skiptist í tvo hluta og fjallar um hringrás vatnsins og okkar. Meðfram sýningunni verða þrír fánar dregnir að húni fyrir framan Gerðarsafn í Kópavogi.
Opnunin hefst klukkan 14:00 í SÍM Gallery, með athöfn og gjörningi með tónverki eftir listakonuna Katrin Hahner. Klukkan 17:00 heldur opnunin áfram fyrir framan Gerðarsafn þar sem dregnir verða að að húni þrír fánar eftir listakonuna.
Sýningin er opin til 21. júlí 2024.
Opnunartímar: Mán - fös 12:00 - 16:00 Lau - sun 13:00 - 17:00 Fánar fyrir framan Gerðarsafn - opið allan daginn
The exhibition bits of land and sea splits in two parts and talks about the cycle of water and us in between these oceanic eddies. Opening Sunday 7 July at 2pm at SÍM Gallery, Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík. Collateral event wind and weather, three flags are raised in front of Gerðarsafn Art Museum, Hamraborg 4, 200 Kópavogur.
The opening starts at 2 pm at SÍM Gallery with a performative water ceremony which is underlined by a composition by the artist Katrin Hahner. At 5 pm the opening will continue in front of Gerðarsafn Art Museum with the raising of three flags.
The exhibition will be on view until 21 July 2024.
Opening hours Mon - Fri 12:00 - 16:00 Sat - Sun 13:00 - 17:00 wind and weather flags in front of Gerðarsafn Museum open all day
Our oceans are crucially vital for a healthy planet and yet so vastly damaged and savaged as we speak. This blue space also increasingly proves significant for our wellbeing—human and more-than-human. The coast, as the place where we and the sea meet, is filled with an abundance of artistic potential.
Chili Seitz has developed a line of works which engage with environmental spaces through questions of borders, occupation, and meaning of representations of those by reshaping their representations. For example, in the piece wind and weather, flags as symbols of presence, occupation, and control are re-shaped bearing photographs of clouds, hoisted on regular flag poles, thus re-instituting wind and weather as rightful dwellers of the sky.
Modelled as an ongoing investigation, Seitz explores large sized cyanotype photography to depict the movement of the waves in their inter-tidal spaces. As a scientific form of representation, she creates an artistic led immersive inquiry into the cosmos of the shared space between the tides. Intertidal ecographies. They form an archive of conceptual cartography, the nomadic and traditional geographies and identities of terrestrial flora and fauna and geophysical bodies of water.
Chili Seitz is a German artist living currently in Kiel at the Baltic Sea. She studied sculpture and media arts and develops conceptual based artworks since 2012. Her work has received well-deserved attention and is shown nationally and internationally. She won numerous prizes, grants and residencies and stayed in Scotland, Iceland, Denmark and Norway. In her last solo exhibition intertidal ecographies in 2023 she started a new work cycle that is connected to her archive of immaterial monuments. Since 2012 she installed several permanent artworks in the public space as in front of the Federal Office for Building and Spatial Affairs in Berlin as well as 2020 in Sønderborg, Denmark. Seitz work is in several private and public collections.
The exhibition is supported by the European Union and Goethe-Institute #culturemoveseurope, SÍM Residency and Gerðarsafn Museum.