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The Transit of Venus across the Sun 1-30 April 2024


miðvikudagur, 24. apríl 2024

The Transit of Venus across the Sun 1-30 April 2024

Vinnustofan "The Transit of Venus across the Sun" 1-30 April 2024 með sýningaropnun 27. april 2024. Vinnustofan og sýningin fara fram á eyjunni Rodrigues í Indlandhafi sem tilheyrir Mauritius. Þátttakendur eru 25 frá Japan, Mauritius, Pólandi, Litháen, Íslandi, Þýskalandi, Frakkalndi og Rodrigues. Ásta Vilhelmína Guðmundsdóttir listamaður, er skipuleggjandi vinnustofunnar og sýningarinnar.


The idea for the project “ESCALE- The Transit of Venus across the sun ” centres on making Rodrigues a place of confluence for ESCALE artists from around the world and local artists, during the 4 week period of the workshop.

The culmination of the workshop will be marked by an event highlighting the works created during the 4 week period of the workshop. All the workshops need their end.

The final decision regarding the format of the workshop will depend on the site. the possibilities and the data present on the site will be considered and a project plan will be determined in collaboration with the Rodrigues associates.

The basic approach of the ESCALE organisation is for participating artists to work “in situ,” in response to opportunities, explorations, observations, experiences, and interactions occurring on the site, during the time of the workshop, rather than to bring previously realised works of art to the exhibition site as is common in traditional, “white cube” art spaces. Living everyday life of the workshop is an important part of the common artwork.

The goal of the project is not to focus on producing objects for the final “exhibition” but to allow work to evolve from the experiencing of the site and the interactions and exchange occurring between the artists and the community in which the workshop is taking place. the work itself, the oeuvre, comes then as a result of this process.

On the formal level the evidence of the artistic process is predominantly an “organic” orientation of art objects and interventions, directly resulting from the challenge of creating, sometimes non-transportable, works of art on site. Some of the results of the intervention may remain on site, vulnerable to circumstance. Some works of art may be given away or destroyed depending on the dynamics and opportunities of the chosen place. In this way, the whole island of Rodrigues is potentially the frame of the workshop and the place of the exhibition.

Nothing is excluded from the palate of artistic expression. All participants are encouraged to express themselves according to the genre or genres which inspire them: drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, video, installation, happenings, performance, etc.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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