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SÍM Residency: Artist in Residency Workshop Project - Making a light box!


fimmtudagur, 11. ágúst 2022

SÍM Residency: Artist in Residency Workshop Project - Making a light box!

Artist in Residency Workshop Project - Making a light box!>
Date : 08.17(Wed)
Time : 5pm - 7pm
Location : SIM Residency Korpúlfstaðir (1st floor) - Downstairs kitchen
How to apply : or WhatsApp (phone number : +821090477670 (Yongwon Kim))
Participation fee : Free

Thank you for your interest in this workshop.
The workshop will start from 5pm to 7pm next Wed.(Aug. 17th) at SIM 1st floor in Korpu.
The address of location - Thorsvegur 1, 112 Reykjavík, Iceland

First, the workshop will be started to make a light box. The organizer artist will prepare a light box, so you just bring a bit of material for drawing :).

And after making a light box, the interview will be held during workshops 1 by 1. (Also it will be recorded and used as an artist archive)

After finishing the workshop, you can take your light box after the open studio. Of course, it is free to get it! :)
(The open studio will be held on the 27th. Also, vj-living video work will be played based on your guys' light box during the open studio).

Attention : the workshop will be starting at 5pm so keep it to your arrival time. :)
Thank you and I’ll look forward to meeting you guys on Wed!
If you have any questions, please send a message!

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland

Skrifstofan er opin virka daga frá kl 12 -16

Sími/ Tel.: +354 551 1346

Kt. 551283-0709


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