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Public Artwork - Funded Residency


fimmtudagur, 11. apríl 2024

Public Artwork - Funded Residency

This residency opportunity is funded and covers accommodation, workspace, necessary equipment/material costs, and a 400,000 ISK payment converted to your national currency upon project completion.  The artist selected is responsible for travel, food and other personal consumables.

The aim of this Public Art Project is to establish an artwalk that allows both the local community and tourists to explore and engage with artists' work in a more informal setting, away from the confines of a traditional gallery experience. This initiative seeks to create a space where people can discover and interact with public art, fostering a deeper connection between the audience and the artists' creations. While art galleries can sometimes be intimidating, the purpose of public art is to extend its reach beyond the confines of indoor spaces, making it more accessible and less intimidating for the general public. 

This Public Art Project is searching for an artist to contribute to Skagaströnd's collection of public artworks.  Our ultimate aim is to have enough outdoor artworks in Skagaströnd to create a digital App that guides visitors to each piece and includes all the details of artists and artworks which would enhance the overall experience for tourists visiting Skagaströnd. This application is part of a long-term vision, where we plan to engage one artist annually for the next five years, enriching Skagaströnd's cultural appeal and providing tourists with engaging activities while in town. NES will work closely with the municipality to carefully select the artist and artwork that aligns with the essence of Skagaströnd.  Kindly be advised that our town already features several murals, and we are not currently seeking additional ones at this time. 

We have reserved the months of July and August 2024 for the selected artist, but we are open to discussion regarding alternate months if availability is possible. The commissioned artwork must be a permanent outdoor installation capable of withstanding the severe winter weather conditions prevalent in northern Iceland.

Please send your expression of interest to with the subject line ‘Public Artwork’.  The deadline is 17th May 2024.

In ONE PDF document please email the following:
A copy of your CV
Letter of intent (including a project description, materials/equipment required and estimated budget for materials)
Link to webpage/examples of work

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland

Skrifstofan er opin virka daga frá kl 12 -16

Sími/ Tel.: +354 551 1346

Kt. 551283-0709


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