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Pop-up sýning nemenda LHÍ í Grafíksalnum


fimmtudagur, 20. júlí 2023

Pop-up sýning nemenda LHÍ í Grafíksalnum

Nemendur Listaháskóla Íslands standa fyrir Pop-up sýningu í Grafíksalnum um helgina, 21.-23. júlí og verður opið aðeins þessa 3 daga kl 17:00-20:00.


measurement of living distance - art exhibition comin up at Íslensk Grafík – The Icelandic Printmakers Association, Hafnarhúsið, Tryggvagata 17 (harbour side).

The opening will be Friday 21st of July at 17:00-20:00 and it will only be open this one weekend.
Opening hours: Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd at 17:00-20:00.

measurement of living distance is a collaborative show between two IUA students, Martina and Mirjam. The exhibition explores the many techniques of printmaking along with drawings, sculpture and film photography, portraying the female form through abstractions and mark-making, imprinting oneself in society, over and over again, in pursuit of oneself.

Martina Priehodová is a Slovak multimedia artist pursuing her master’s in Fine Arts at the Icelandic University of the Arts. Her research revolves around personal and universal experiences of becoming through evolving, learning, eating, and growing up.

Mirjam Maekalle is a visual artist newly graduated from the Icelandic University of the Arts. Her work explores the black & white realm where the figurative becomes abstract. Having acquired a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Iceland, her works develop from narratives that explore the meaning of self and escapism, melancholy and connections."

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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