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Open call: Eyebeam 2024 fellowship


mánudagur, 31. júlí 2023

Open call: Eyebeam 2024 fellowship

We are amid a global tech emergency; the act of discovery and creation by artists is more necessary than ever. In this approximately one-year fellowship cycle, we call on artists to bring their innate mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of what it means to be human into play with technology to affirm humanity’s role as creators, not spectators, of our collective techno-future.

Technology has transformed how we live, work, and communicate. Still, it has also brought new challenges related to its impact on society, forcing the world to reconsider the meaning of previously understood ideas such as intelligence, free will, or personhood. Tools such as generative artificial intelligence are infiltrating our lives to the point of wresting control of innately human spiritual, mental, and physical ways of being. Algorithmic systems of oppression that further marginalize underrepresented communities reiterate the urgent need to build tangible alternatives that center care, community, and solidarity.

Groundbreaking artists working at the complex intersection of art, tech, and community are uniquely positioned to address these challenges by launching projects that foster dialogue and engagement and further the imagination. Eyebeam seeks artists to explore the creative potentials of technologies that support and enhance the best of human intelligence and imagination. In particular, we are interested in supporting those artists whose efforts consider the impact of technology on individuals and communities who face additional barriers to access and inclusion.

Adopting a human-centric approach to technology, led by artists, can ensure that future technology is developed and used to promote human well-being and agency rather than corporate consumption. We believe in launching more humane uses of technology that allow space for contemplation, understanding, and aesthetic imagination.

Eyebeam is pleased to announce an open call for artists working deeply in the areas mentioned above, particularly those working within or developing technology that focuses on decolonization, reframing history, language, care, the digital divide, and the future of tech. We invite proposals considering how to avert anti-human technologies and re-assume control to build a more humane future.

The Democracy Machine program is about to enter its third and final phase. Selected artists participating in this six-month program will receive a 20,000 USD stipend and work in fellowship to support the development and implementation of their projects. Eyebeam will select five non-New York-based artists from anywhere in the world and five NYC-based artists for this fellowship. The fellowship will run from February 15, 2024, through August 15, 2024. The program will provide the same level of support and opportunity regardless of location through Eyebeam’s implementation of a digital-first approach.

As part of this fellowship, Eyebeam will provide access to our network of peers, mentors, and experts in the field and to partnered state-of-the-art facilities and resources. The fellowship will hybridize online and in-person components, including workshops, mentorship sessions, and networking opportunities. Additionally, Eyebeam aims to make available robust opportunities for exhibition, presentation, and public engagement at the close of the fellowship.

For further open call details and to learn how to apply, please visit Eyebeam’s website.

About Eyebeam
Eyebeam supports artists who make radical, independent work about the way we live.

We were one of the first organizations dedicated to supporting artists who create with technology. Since our founding more than 20 years ago, over 500 artists have received support through our flagship fellowship, with hundreds more having participated in our exhibitions and gatherings. We are building from an adventurous legacy and breaking new ground in the role technology can play in our lives by empowering artists concerned about injustice and inequity. is our new home, and we are establishing deep relationships with brick-and-mortar friends to powerfully present and amplify the work of our artists.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


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