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Katrín Inga: Your Feelings Matter


fimmtudagur, 6. júní 2024

Katrín Inga: Your Feelings Matter

Opens June 6th 18 - 20 h

“Your Feelings Matter" invites us to delve into the philosophical undercurrents of everyday objects. Through installations and sensory experiences, the exhibition explores chewing gum—a symbol of perfect abstract form. It is not rigid or fixed but dynamic and evolving, much like our thoughts and emotions.

Within Gallery Gudmundsdottir, "Your Feelings Matter" transcends conventional perception, unearthing unspoken expressions of our collective consciousness. Suggesting contemplation of the timeless vibrations that animate both the living and the inanimate, weaving new narratives of connection and belonging.

Through the artist’s exploration of chewing gum as a metaphorical medium, Katrín Inga prompts us to reconsider our relationship with the world. "Your Feelings Matter" proposes novel patterns for reimagining our place within existence. With each chew, each moment of reflection, we are reminded of the profound interconnectedness of all things and the infinite possibilities within the mundane.

“You matter. Your vote matters. Your impact on the whole is undeniable. The whole is created by you. The truth is: many small things come together to form one big thing. It is a fact. You are the whole. A seemingly simple thought. But it's not such a simple feeling. Your inner world echoes outward, affecting the entirety. It is scary. It is power.“

Katrín Inga has presented solo projects and performances, most notably at Living Art Museum, Reykjavik (2013) and her work and performances have been presented in group exhibitions at platforms including Reykjavik Art Museum, (2022); High Line Art, New York, USA (2017); Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vadaus, Licthenstein, (2015); XVII Biennial of Young Artists, MEDITERRANEA17, Milan, Italy (2015). She is the recipient of awards including a Fulbright Scholarship (2012); the Dungal Art Fund award (2012); the Gudmunda Andresdottir Scholarship (2013); the Icelandic Art Salary from the government of Iceland, Iceland (2015/2017); and the Svavar Guðnasson & Ástu Eirkisdóttir foundation art price for the promotion of young Icelandic artists (2017). Katrín Inga graduated with a MFA from the School of Visual Arts, New York (2014); a BA degree in Art History and Art Theory from the University of Iceland (2012); and a BA in Fine Art from the Iceland Academy of the Arts (2008). Katrín Inga is a board member of the Reykjavik Association of Sculptors (2018-) and she was featured in the “Isle of Art'' (2019), a book about Icelandic Art. She has collaborated with various artists most recently with the performance group “It’s The Media Not You!” in various art projects (2015-2022). Katrin Inga is running the multicomplex art space Phenomenon in Reykjavik (2022-).

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


Hafnarstræti 16, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland

Skrifstofan er opin virka daga frá kl 12 -16

Sími/ Tel.: +354 551 1346

Kt. 551283-0709


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