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Harbinger: Splitting the wig / Flipping the lid - Hrafnkell Guðmundsson og Rollin Hunt


fimmtudagur, 25. nóvember 2021

Harbinger: Splitting the wig / Flipping the lid - Hrafnkell Guðmundsson og Rollin Hunt

Harbinger býður ykkur velkomin á opnun Splitting the wig / Flipping the lid, samsýningar Hrafnkels Guðmundssonar og Rollin Hunt.
Sýningin opnar fimmtudaginn 25. nóvember á milli 18 og 20, og stendur til 18. desember. Opið er í Harbinger föstudaga og laugardaga frá 14-17.

Let's get under the hood and to the heart of the real subject: UFOs [...]
Is this just another bout of hocus pocus? [...]
It’s said that everyday street people are in a solid perceptual landscape [...]
Meanwhile unknown objects fly through the air [...]
Unlike ghosts they wear a metallic guise of science [...]
The metallic embodiment of a spirit [...]
The UFO has decimated what we know [...]
Left with a brain of rubble, sifting through the shards of a pre-UFO era [...]
Rollin Hunt er listamaður frá Californiu sem vinnur í fjölbreytta miðla. Verk hans má einna helst sjá í sjónvarpi og kvikmyndaverum sem leikmyndahönnun. Hann nam við California Institute of the Arts.
Hrafnkell Gudmundsson er listamaður úr Reykjavík. Hann hefur sýnt verk sín á Íslandi, í Hollandi og í Wales. Hann nam við Gerrit Rietveld Akademie í Amsterdam.

Harbinger welcomes you to the opening of Splitting the wig / Flipping the lid, a duo show by Rollin Hunt and Hrafnkell Guðmundsson.
The exhibition opens Thursday November 25th from 6-8 pm, and it runs until December 18th. Harbinger is opens Friday and Saturday from 2-5 pm.
Let's get under the hood and to the heart of the real subject: UFOs [...]
Is this just another bout of hocus pocus? [...]
It’s said that everyday street people are in a solid perceptual landscape [...]
Meanwhile unknown objects fly through the air [...]
Unlike ghosts they wear a metallic guise of science [...]
The metallic embodiment of a spirit [...]
The UFO has decimated what we know [...]
Left with a brain of rubble, sifting through the shards of a pre-UFO era [...]
Rollin Hunt is a multimedia artist from California. His work has mostly been seen in cinemas and television as a production designer. He studied at California Institute of the Arts.
Hrafnkell Gudmundsson is an artist from Reykjavík. He has shown his work in Iceland, The Netherlands and Wales. He studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


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Skrifstofan er opin virka daga frá kl 12 -16

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