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Federation of Canadian Artists: 2022 Ten Squared Exhibition and 2022 Limitless Online-Only Exhibition


fimmtudagur, 22. september 2022

Federation of Canadian Artists: 2022 Ten Squared Exhibition and 2022 Limitless Online-Only Exhibition


A firm favourite with artists and clients alike, the annual Ten Squared Exhibition (pictured above) is an open call to artists for artworks in any style and subject, sized exactly 10" x 10".

Submissions close September 30, so don't miss it!

The 2022 LIMITLESS Exhibition (pictured below), is entirely online. You can submit oversized, sold, available, and not-for-sale pieces.

The best part?

There's $1,000 in cash prizes to be won and a portion of each submission supports an emerging artist at the post-secondary level. Submit by October 24.

Kind Regards,
Federation Gallery

About The 2022 Ten Squared Exhibition:

This annual fundraising exhibition calls for artworks in any style and of any subject, sized exactly 10” x 10”. Substrates must be 1 ½ inches deep and only unframed pieces are permitted for this call. Works on paper must be mounted onto cradled wooden panel or gallery wrap canvas that is 1 ½ inches deep and finished to an archival standard. This exhibition is a great exhibition to participate in if you’re looking to attract new and younger clientele. Commission is shared 50 / 50 with the Federation.

This is a non-qualifying call for submission.

Artwork that has not previously been exhibited in our Granville Island gallery, or work that was accepted into a non-qualifying exhibition, (examples of these are online-only exhibitions hosted by the Federation such as, 365, Retro, Limitless and the Chapter Challenge) may be entered into this call for entry.

Below is a PDF Call Booklet for this specific call. Please read it in full before submitting, by submitting you agree to these terms, and submissions made in error will not be refunded.


About The 2022 LIMITLESS Exhibition:

The Federation’s annual outreach exhibition awards established artists while supporting emerging ones. Each year, the Federation donates $1,000 from the submissions fees from this call for entry to a student enrolled at the post-secondary level in a visual arts program! Past recipient organizations have included UBC, Simon Fraser University and Langara.



First Place

$500 CA

Second Place

$300 CA

Third Place

$200 CA

3 x Honourable Mentions

Awards in Title

The resulting exhibition will feature online only at

Not for Sale and Sold submissions are permitted

This is a non-qualifying call for submission. Acceptance into this exhibition does not count towards Signature Status Applications with the Federation of Canadian Artists.

Artwork that has not previously been exhibited in an online Federation exhibition may be entered into this call for entry.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um


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