SÍM Residency: Samsýning - Ratljós

mánudagur, 20. febrúar 2023
SÍM Residency: Samsýning - Ratljós
Hópur SÍM gestalistamanna býður ykkur velkomin á samsýningu, kl. 17 miðvikudaginn 22. febrúar í sýningarsal SÍM á Hlöðuloftinu á Korpúlfsstöðum, Thorsvegi 1, 112 Reykjavík.
SÍM Residency artists invite everyone to their event - Open studios opening 22th of February at 5PM, Korpúlffstaðir hall, Thorsvegur 1, 112, Reykjavik.
SÍM Residency open studios of February, 2023
- a project by guest artists staying at the SÍM Residency apartments in Korpúlfsstaðir and Seljavegur. The works at the open studios will represent the results of research the artists have been working on for the past month or longer. The artists come from various places worldwide and work with different mediums.
The meaning of this Icelandic expression is described as it follows - if you ever need to find your way out of a cave, this word will come in handy. It translates to “enough light to navigate”.
Struggling to find a way and raising one's awareness as a by-product, could be explained through the allegory of a dark cave by Plato. The cave as a symbol for the contemporary world of ignorance, people in the cave trying to navigate their way out towards the light and greater awareness. When reaching to the outer world, the eyes dazzle in the light at first. By staying there, one might come to realise that the cave world was just an illusion of the shadows.
Being in the dark is challenging. However, darkness is part of our life – especially part of Iceland. It can be linked to infinite possibilities. Some people consider it as an opportunity to create their own path.
The purpose of a journey is rarely to find a concrete answer, rather, it is a process of continually asking questions. A residency format is a part of the artistic process and might not always lead to an outcome per se. Very often, it has been an enriching experience and helped to navigate closer towards what one as creative is looking for.
William Keohane - IE │ Rodrigo Romero-Flores - CL │ Gwen Walker - AU │ Christina Wächter - DE
Genevieve Elliott - AU │ Steven Tucker - CA │ Sandra Zimmermann - CH │Ariane Lugeon - CH
Marcel Tarelkin - DE │Ju-An Hsieh - TW │ Ida Huschke - CH │ Elian Stolarsky - PL/UY │ Nadine Baldow - DE │ Moran Been-noon - IE/IL │ Sergio Leitao - PT
Curator | Liisi Kõuhkna
Graphic design | Sandra Zimmermann and Steven Tucker
Installation and technical support | SÍM