Open, Grandagarði: Lovebomb -Terre Thaemlitz
fimmtudagur, 17. mars 2022
Open, Grandagarði: Lovebomb -Terre Thaemlitz
Terre Thaemlitz
[English below]
Dagana 18. - 19. mars sýnum við verkið “Lovebomb” eftir Terre Thaemitz (DJ Sprinkles) í OPEN, Grandagarði 27. Verkið hefur verið sýnt víða síðustu ár og vakti t.a.m. mikla athygli þegar það var sýnt á documenta 14 árið 2017.
Verið hjartanlega velkomin! ✨
Terre Thaemlitz ( f. 1968), er margverðlaunaður pródúser, rithöfundur, fyrirlesari, plötusnúður, hljóðlistamaður og eigandi plötuútgáfunnar Comatonse Recordings. Verk hennar tefla saman, á gagnrýninn hátt, sjálfmyndarpólitík, (Kyngervi, kynverund, stétt, málvísindum, þjóðerni og kynþætti) og greiningu á félagshagfræði fjölmiðla og þeirra framleiðslu. Hann hefur gefið út yfir 15. Sólóplötur og fjöldan allan af smákskífum og vídeóverkum. Skrif hennar um tónlist og menningu hafa birst í bókum, fræðigreinum og tímaritum. Sem ræðumaður og kennari hefur Thaemlitz fjallað um “Non-essentialist Transgendersima” og hinseginleika í hinum ýmsu málþingum í Evrópu og Japan. Thaemlitz er búsettur í Japan.
The weekend 18. - 19th of March we will show “Lovebomb” by Terre Thaemlitz (DJ Sprinkles) in OPEN, Grandagarði 27, Reykjavik.
Warmly welcome! ✨
Terre Thaemlitz (1968) is an award winning multi-media producer, writer, public speaker, educator, audio remixer, DJ and owner of the Comatonse Recordings record label. Her work combines a critical look at identity politics - including gender, sexuality, class, linguistics, ethnicity and race - with an ongoing analysis of the socio-economics of commercial media production. He has released over 15 solo albums, as well as numerous 12-inch singles and video works. Her writings on music and culture have been published internationally in a number of books, academic journals and magazines. As a speaker and educator on issues of non-essentialist Transgenderism and Queerness, Thaemlitz has lectured and participated in panel discussions throughout Europe and Japan. As of January, 2001, he resides in Japan.
Love of religion. Love of country. Love of family. Love of friends. Love of the team. Love of Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Islam, Hinduism, Buddha, Jim Jones, Aum Shinri Kyo, the Pope. Love of freedom, money, commerce, way of life. Love of the hunt, the cruise, the pick-up, the kill, the score, the screams, the fists, the knives, the spit, the shoves, the tumbles down stairs. Love of the beat.
The beat. The "global dancefloor." What a senseless territorial claim. Like any other nation, the House Nation uses a barrage of "love" samples to drown out financial rip-offs, sour deals, embezzlement, exploitation, drugs and organized crime. I do not mean to imply all venue owners, promoters, organizers, performers or others are criminal minded. To the contrary, I submit myself to the generosity and thoughtfulness of many good persons motivated by their various visions of community building. But like taking a controlled substance, the pleasuring vision quest is complicit with an act of imprisoning corruption. The club scene's deafening plea to "love one another" cannot be separated from the muffled ambiance of happenings behind closed doors.
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Föstudagur / Friday - 18. janúar kl. 17.00 - 20.00
Laugardagur / Saturday - 19. mars kl. 13.00 -17.00
OPEN er styrkt af Reykjavíkurborg og Myndlistarsjóði.