SÍM Residency - Open Space
mið., 28. ágú.
Gestalistamenn SÍM býður ykkur velkomin á samsýningu frá kl. 16:00-20:00, miðvikudaginn 28. ágúst sýningarsal SÍM á Hlöðuloftinu á Korpúlfsstöðum, Thorsvegi 1, 112 Reykjavík.

Dagsetning & tími
28. ágú. 2024, 16:00 – 20:00
Reykjavík, 562P+PGR, 112 Reykjavík, Ísland
Um viðburðinn
Meet SÍM Residency artists-in-residence at SÍM Barn / Hlöðuloftið!
contemporary art // researches // talks // live performances // instalations // sound // visuals // readings
Gestalistamenn SÍM býður ykkur velkomin á samsýningu frá kl. 16:00-20:00, miðvikudaginn 28. ágúst sýningarsal SÍM á Hlöðuloftinu á Korpúlfsstöðum, Thorsvegi 1, 112 Reykjavík.
SÍM Residency artists invite everyone to their event — Open Space opening, 28 August, 4:00 PM-8:00 PM, SÍM Barn—SÍM Barn Exhibition hall Korpúlffstaðir, Thorsvegur 1, 112, Reykjavik.
Open Space - a collective project by international artists participating in the SÍM Residency artist-in-residence program for Augsut 2024. The works at the SÍM Hlöðuloftið exhibition space will represent the results of research the artists have been working on for the past month or longer. The artists come from various places worldwide and work with different mediums.
Sam Darby he/him - USA @__samdarby , Lennart Creutzburg he/they NL/FI @lennart_creutzburg , Julia Fidder she/her - NL/FI @juliafidder , Junior Vigneault he/him - CA @junior.vigneault , Wisniewska Bogna Luiza she/her - FI @bognaluiza , Jennifer Rooke she/her - AU @jennifer.eb.rooke , Marlene Mautner she/her - AT @marlenemautner , Kim, Jung Soo she/her - USA/KR @kimjungsoo_studio , Eetu Vekki Palomäki he/him - FI @eetu.pal , Jakub Šulík he/him & Johana Bártová she/her - CZ @jakubsulik @bartovajoha , Ster Borgman they/them - NL @sterborgman , Sandra Kazlauskaitė she/her - LT/UK @sandybeachsounds , Eglė Kliučinskaitė she/her - LT @egle.kliucinskaite , Adolfo Vera he/him - FI, Lucia Gašparovičová she/her - SK @luciagasparovicova
Poster visuals - Johana Bártová she/her - CZ