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Kling & Bang: Velvet Terrorism - Pussy Riot´s Russia


föstudagur, 18. nóvember 2022

Kling & Bang: Velvet Terrorism - Pussy Riot´s Russia

Pussy Riot at Kling & Bang

Kling & Bang, Reykjavík announces the first ever overview exhibition of protest performance actions by Russian feminist political-art collective Pussy Riot.

Velvet Terrorism - Pussy Riot‘s Russia opens Thursday November 24 at 17:00.
The exhibition in Reykjavík includes Pussy Riot’s world known performance actions as well as showing their numerous lesser known, but consistent actions in and around Russia for the last decade. The works are bursting with the urgency of artistic rebellion against a dead eyed totalitarian system. Velvet Terrorism that‘s what Putin‘s spiritual confidant, bishop Tikhon Shevkunov called Pussy Riot‘s performance after Punk Prayer: Virgin Mary, Banish Putin, the collective‘s protest action in Church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow in 2012. Exhibition runs through January 15, 2023.
Further information here

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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