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Heima Collective: Open Call


föstudagur, 25. febrúar 2022

Heima Collective: Open Call

Open Call Residency for LGBTQIA+ artists and activists at Heima Collective in Iceland

DEADLINE 1 March 2022 at 11.59 pm
All information on
The residency offers a program of 6 weeks (1 September 2022 till 13 October 2022 )
The residency aims to provide arts and cultural opportunities to queer artists and activists from around the world through exchange and sharing of artistic skills, exhibitions, public screenings, performances, workshops and collaborative creation in a site-specific context.
The residency program provides a residency for 6 international artists and activists that identify within the LGBTQIA+ community. The residency program in Heima Collective offers a space to live, work, share, experiment and discuss together whilst staying in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland.
The residency program is for multidisciplinary queer artists, activists that reflect on queer related topics and highlight the trajectory and longevity of the LGBTQIA+ movement through their practices.
Application form (how to apply)

• a letter of motivation max. 1 page
Why do you want to be a resident in the residency for LGBTQIA+ artists and activists at Heima Collective ?
Do you have any experience in collective structures / residencies?
• project idea or research description max. 1 page
• a short CV including age / nationality / languages / Email / skype name/website
• written biography including any information you find relevant for us to get a sense of who you are. max. 1 page
• Documentation of your work online links or attached documentation
• Extra information (emergency contact -1 or 2 people- and other valuable information that you wish to express )

Please send all materials to
For any questions please contact us at the same address.

Ra Tack (They/them)

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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