Creative Europe: Úkraínskt átak - á sviði lista- og menningar

mánudagur, 17. október 2022
Creative Europe: Úkraínskt átak - á sviði lista- og menningar
Creative Europe - Úkraínskt átak - á sviði lista- og menningar. Samstarfsaðila er leitað á öllum sviðum lista og menningar, 3 verkefni verða styrkt en óskað er eftir breiðri þátttöku í verkefnin.
Support to Ukrainian displaced people and the Ukrainian Cultural and Creative Sectors (CREA-CULT-2023-COOP-UA)
Umsóknarfrestur er til 29. Nóvember 2022
Á meðfylgjandi síðu eru lista og menningarstofnanir sem eru að leita eftir samstarfi á menningar og listasviði
Objective:Culture is one of the building blocks of any nation. Cultural expression and access to culture are indispensable elements to live and help us deal with traumatic events, build individual and collective resilience and a perspective for a post-war future.
The war in Ukraine has devastating effects on the Ukrainian cultural heritage and on cultural organisations and artists that cannot operate and reach out to their national and international audience. Additionally, many Ukrainian displaced people and children fleeing the war and currently staying in other locations in Ukraine or in other Creative Europe countries will not be able to return to their pre-war locations because of destruction. Those staying in other Creative Europe countries will have to interact with their new communities to facilitate their integration. Culture and the arts have proven to be an efficient tool to connect people from different background and facilitate integration.
The objective of the special call is to help the Ukrainian cultural and creative organisations, as well as artists and professionals to address the following challenges in the short and medium term:
Objective 1 – short term
1. support Ukrainian artists and cultural organisations to create and showcase their art and works in Ukraine and in Creative Europe participating countries
2. help Ukrainians displaced by the war, in particular children, in Ukraine or Creative Europe participating countries, have access to culture and/or facilitate their integration into their new communities through culture. In this context, adequate attention should be given to the consequences the war inflicted on mental health
Objective 2 – medium term
1. prepare the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian cultural sectors through needs assessments, capacity building and investment planning
2. prepare and train Ukrainian cultural heritage professionals with regard to the protection of Ukrainian cultural heritage from risks.
The achievement of these objectives, especially the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian cultural sectors should be built on Ukraine’s new status as EU candidate country.
Grants will be provided to consortium of organisations implementing activities for the benefit of a wider number of stakeholders (i.e., organisations and/or individuals). It will also support activities implemented by third parties, as explained below.
Support will be given to three projects, as indicated below:
• Max EUR 2 000 000 to address objective 1.a: support Ukrainian artists and cultural organisations to create and showcase their art and works. Proposals addressing this objective should demonstrate through adequate experience a good capacity to finance a large number of small projects through cascading grants, as explained in the Call Document
• Max EUR 2 000 000 to address objective 1.b: help through culture Ukrainians displaced by the war. Proposals addressing this objective should demonstrate through adequate experience a good capacity to finance a large number of small projects through cascading grants, as explained in the Call Document
• Max EUR 1 000 000 to address objective 2 – medium term (including both 2.a - post-war recovery of the Ukrainian cultural sectors and 2.b - prepare and train Ukrainian cultural heritage professionals)