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ART67: Marta Ryba

fimmtudagur, 6. apríl 2023
ART67: Marta Ryba
Marta Ryba is a language teacher and self-educated artist who creates realistic portraits, emphasizing details, light and shadows. She has been working on her own art since 2011 and is still learning and developing. Her current exhibition at ART67 is called AIR acrylic on canvas, features women’s faces with aerial animals like butterflies or ravens. She has held solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions in art.
Sýningin stendur til loka apríl, er sölusýning og eru allir hjartanlega velkomnir.
Art67 er opið sem hér segir: Mánudaga - föstudaga 11:00 - 18:00 Laugardaga 11:00 - 17:00 Sunnudaga 13:00 – 16:00
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