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Sat, 20 Nov


Hlöðuloftið, Korpúlfsstaðir

Brim og bréfbátar / Wild wabes and Paper boats

The joint exhibition Brim og bréfbátar / Wild Waves and Paper Boats opens on November 20 at Hlöðuloftið, Korpúlfsstaðir. Nikolina Ställborn, Hildur Margrétardóttir and Þorgerður Jörundsdóttir show.

Brim og bréfbátar / Wild wabes and Paper boats
Brim og bréfbátar / Wild wabes and Paper boats

Time & Location

20 Nov 2021, 17:00 – 28 Nov 2021, 21:00

Hlöðuloftið, Korpúlfsstaðir, Reykjavík, Iceland

On November 20 at 13:00 the opening of the joint exhibition Brim og bréfbátar / Wild Waves and Paper Boats Nikolina Ställborn, Hildur Margrétardóttir and Þorgerður Jörundsdóttir will show.

The exhibition is beeing held in Reykjavík Iceland with artists from the Nordic region. As the Arctic is subject to the most rapid effects of global warming and changes are clearly visible in our closest surroundings. The works will explore myths of reality. Ideas and cultural understandings permeate our habitats. The idea of heimat and the looming disaster of an ever increasingly warming earth. We daydream of happiness and a glade of one's own as we strive to enhance our personal lives and forget that our existence is irrevocably tied to our closest surroundings. Our surroundings shape us into an interconnected network that makes up a larger world. We seem unable to comprehend the effect our world has on us and the effect we have on our world.

At the same time we feel as if we are almighty and powerful in shaping the world in our own image. Embracing the Anthropocene is embracing the destruction of the natural world and of ourselves. Our myths of reality, our understanding of nature and our dreams are shaped by how we use and exploit natural resources. Our minds conquered matter a long time ago. There is a significant cultural apathy towards preservation and there are deep inconsistencies within our societies regarding our ideas of sustainability and the general idea of our personal growth and economic freedom.


  • 985 hours


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