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Open: The Craft - Monira Al Qadiri


föstudagur, 14. janúar 2022

Open: The Craft - Monira Al Qadiri

Helgina 14. -16. janúar sýnum við verkið “THE CRAFT” eftir Monira Al Qadiri í OPEN, Grandagarði 27.

Í kvöld, föstudaginn 14. jan, frá kl. 17 – 21
svo laugardaginn 15. jan kl. 13 – 15
og sunnudaginn 16. jan kl. 13 – 15

Tonight, Friday 14th of January from 5pm – 9pm
then Saturday 15th of January 1pm – 3pm
and Sunday 16th of January 1pm – 3pm

Monira Al Qadiri
The Craft

Helgina 14. -16. janúar sýnum við verkið “THE CRAFT” eftir Monira Al Qadiri í OPEN, Grandagarði 27.

Verið hjartanlega velkomin! ✨

The weekend 14. - 16th of January we will show “THE CRAFT” by Monira Al Qadiri in OPEN, Grandagarði 27.

Warmly welcome! ✨'

Monira Al Qadiri er kúveiskur listamaður búsett í Berlín. Doktorsverkefni hennar við Háskólann í Tókýó fjallaði um fagurfræði sorgarinnar í Mið-Austurlöndum. Um það fjallar hún einnig í list sinni þar sem hún skoðar fagurfræði sorgarinnar í ljóðlist, tónlist, myndlist og trúarathöfnum. Monira tekst meðal annars á við óhefðbundin kyngervi, olíuiðnaðinn, spillingu og arfleið nýlendustefnu Mið-Austurlanda.

Monira Al Qadiri is a Kuwaiti visual artist born in Senegal and educated in Japan. In 2010, she received a Ph.D. in inter-media art from Tokyo University of the Arts, where her research was focused on the aesthetics of sadness in the Middle-East stemming from poetry, music, art and religious practices. Her work explores unconventional gender identities, petro-cultures and their possible futures, as well as the legacies of corruption. She is currently based in Berlin.

“The Craft” is a film that revolves around childish fictions laced with serious suspicions towards the real world. Using the lens of family history, the film dissects the artist’s own past to reexamine an uncanny relationship taking place in the shadows of her major life events: “Were my parents conspiring with aliens behind my back?” Reality gradually disintegrates like quicksand around this central question, as paranoia and speculation begin to take hold. Futuristic architecture, popular culture, dream readings, junk food, alien abductions, geopolitics, international diplomacy, war and peace; all of these once solid staples of modern life now become tinted with a general sense of distrust, overshadowing everything. Like a ticking time bomb at the center of the nuclear family unit, the suspicion reaches a crescendo when the protagonist suddenly discovers that the American century has finally ended.


Föstudagur / Friday - 14. janúar kl. 17.00 - 21.00

Laugardagur / Saturday - 15. janúar kl. 13.00 -15.00

Sunnudagur / Sunday - 16. janúar kl. 13.00 -15.00

Hafið í huga að vegna covid þurfum við að gæta að fjöldatakmörkunum og grímunotkun / Please keep in mind there are restrictions due to covid 19

OPEN er styrkt af Reykjavíkurborg og Myndlistarsjóði.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-08 um
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