Kling&Bang: Tvær sýningaropnanir laugardaginn 8. október
föstudagur, 7. október 2022
Kling&Bang: Tvær sýningaropnanir laugardaginn 8. október
Verið hjartanlega velkomin á opnun tveggja sýninga í Kling & Bang næstkomandi laugardag, 8. október kl. 16.
Gjörningur verður fluttur kl. 17
Sýningin stendur til 13. nóvember 2022.
“How many times do I have to die to get theeere?” Cindercat continually asks from inside its aluminum coffin. The cat desperately wants to move on to the next stage, hoping the audience shares its desire to party in the afterlife. “A dream is a wish your heart makes”...
Cindercat moans and mjaws and yawns, wags its long sexy cinder tail. It talks and sighs and shivers and shakes, and sings a soothing song. Old tale, new skin, new shape.
Elísabet Birta Sveinsdóttir (f.1991) vinnur þvert á miðla, með megin áherslu á gjörningarlist, kvikmynd, skúlptúr og innsetningu. Hún vinnur með eigin líkama og gjörninginn sem aðferð og efnivið og kannar táknheim sjónmenningar og kvikmyndagerðar í sögulegu samhengi og samtímanum. Verk hennar fjalla oft um hugmyndir kvenleika og eðli mannsins í samhengi við samband manneskjunnar við aðrar dýrategundir. Verk hennar hafa verið sýnd bæði hérlendis og erlendis, meðal annars nýlega í Inter Pblc í Kaupmannahöfn, Snehta í Aþenu og Mengi í Reykjavík.
Earworms are undoubtedly bodily.
Can’t they, for minutes, hours, days, take you over? possess you?
those sonic creepers
those infectious, melodic devils
those little rhythmic stow-aways, merrily sailing the waves of your consciousness.
Bergur Anderson (f. 1988) er myndlistarmaður og tónskáld. Í ferli hans finna kímerísk og ímynduð gæði hljóðs þverfaglegar útkomur í tímatengdum, útgefnum og rýmiskenndum verkum. Verk hans hafa verið sýnd bæði hérlendis sem og erlendis, meðal annars nýlega í Harbinger og Mengi. Fyrsta sólóplata hans, Night Time Transmissions, kom út hjá útgáfufélaginu Futura Resistenza árið 2021 auk þess sem hann gaf út bókverkið Poems í samstarfi við Katrina Niebergal.
Kling & Bang vinnur í samstarfi við
TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary.
Sýningin er styrkt af Myndlistarsjóði og Myndstef.
We welcome you to the opening of two solo shows by Bergur Anderson and Elísabet Birta Sveinsdóttir at Kling & Bang this Saturday, 8th of October at 16:00.
A performance will start at 17:00.
The exhibitions run through November 13th.
“How many times do I have to die to get theeere?” Cindercat continually asks from inside its aluminum coffin. The cat desperately wants to move on to the next stage, hoping the audience shares its desire to party in the afterlife. “A dream is a wish your heart makes”...
Cindercat moans and mjaws and yawns, wags its long sexy cinder tail. It talks and sighs and shivers and shakes, and sings a soothing song. Old tale, new skin, new shape.
Elísabet Birta Sveinsdóttir (b. 1991) is a performance and visual artist from Iceland. Her work reflects on perceptions of femininity and humanity within the contextual framework of humankind’s relationships with other species and notions of our common qualities. She takes a performative approach, incorporating her body and drawing on personal experiences for material. She works in a variety of mediums, with a main focus on performance and film, considering the symbolic nature of filmmaking within a historical narrative as well as the mixing of genres and familiar tropes.
Earworms are undoubtedly bodily.
Can’t they, for minutes, hours, days, take you over? possess you?
those sonic creepers
those infectious, melodic devils
those little rhythmic stow-aways, merrily sailing the waves of your consciousness.
Bergur Anderson (b. 1988) is an Icelandic artist, composer and sound-maker. He works primarily with sound, performance and installation, fabricating the chimerical and fictional qualities of sound into material, time-based and published works. His works have been presented both in Iceland and abroad, including recently at Harbinger Project Space and Mengi in Reykjavik. Recent publications include Night Time Transmissions, a vinyl record released on Futura Resistenza; and Poems, a self-released artist book made with Katrina Niebergal.
Kling & Bang works in collaboration with
TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary.
The exhibition is supported by the Icelandic Visual Arts Fund and Myndstef.
Opnunartímar / Opening hours
Miðvikudaga til sunnudaga 12 – 18 · lokað á mánudögum og þriðjudögum · Aðgangur ókeypis
Wednesday till Sunday 12 pm-6 pm · Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays · Free entrance
Kling & Bang works in collaboration with
TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary.
Kling & Bang · Marshallhúsið · Grandagarður 20 · Reykjavik 101 · Iceland