Exhibition „IN TO“

fimmtudagur, 19. janúar 2023
Exhibition „IN TO“
Gabriel Rockhill has said that individual artwork is a talisman of beliefs. It consists of parts from the artist, collective and the culture. Art is an entity by having the qualities of the living.
Human is dialogical by nature and so is the art, that it creates. We are actively making meanings out of occurrences and abstract things such as art, music, and text. May we create and co-create culture through dialogues via art.
The nature of a residency and travelling as an artist, also contains this kind of mentality by crossing pathways, sharing and exchange. The exhibition “in to” attempts to bring art closer to the public with a concept of highlighting the importance of symbolical dialogues between the artists and the viewers via their creative works. The artworks have been created by the artists within the SIM residency program in the month of January 2023.
Fiona Shewan AU | Yoichi Kamimura JP | Anna With NO | Edvinas Batulis LT |
Ji Yoon Chung KR | Liisi Kõuhkna EE | Ariane Lugeon CH