Call for applications: residency 2025 - Jan van Eyck Academie

fimmtudagur, 28. september 2023
Call for applications: residency 2025 - Jan van Eyck Academie
Jan van Eyck Academie launches a call for applications for an 11-month residency, from January 15, 2025 until December 15, 2025.
All artists, curators, designers—ranging from graphic and fashion to food and social design—writers, architects, and other researchers are welcome to apply for a working period at the Jan van Eyck amongst an international group of fellow participants. To further develop their artistic practice in depth, experiment, collaborate, and exchange, all selected participants will have access to a private studio, a monthly stipend and working budget, expert guidance from staff and advisers, a chance to shape the institute’s public programme of events, access to all academy labs, departments, and facilities: the Library, departments—Art & Society, Nature Research, Research & Education, and labs—Photography & Audiovisual, Material Matters, Food, Printing & Publishing, and Future Materials.
The selection committee is composed of an international group of professionals coming from a range of disciplines. During the reviewing process, the committee looks for applications that depict skill to inquire from a critical standpoint, the candidate’s intention of a working period at the Jan van Eyck Academie and their approach to collaboration and experimentation. Candidates from all backgrounds, age groups, and of all research interests are welcome to apply.
As a multi-disciplinary post-academic institute, the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, the Netherlands, offers residency programmes to those who wish to broaden their artistic horizons, develop their art practice in depth, and discover new perspectives. Every applicant shares our belief that insight comes through exchange with the other: insight in the meaning of things, in your own practice, in the (art) world. The multiform character of the Jan van Eyck Academie appeals to the artistic and intellectual versatility of the artists and enables them to deepen and ramify their talents and skills in the short and long run. The work of the artists testifies to an art practice that is investigative and committed. Furthermore, the Jan van Eyck encourages exploration of the agency, roles, and civic significance of art, design and other creative practices in relation to climate change, environmental breakdown, and their manifold effects. This institutional focus aims at creating a common ground that embraces a diversity of practices and allows for a multitude of voices.
Questions? Please feel welcome to reach out to Solange Roosen / Līva Laure at